Assalamualaikum. Wah have been so so long tak online sorry cos lapop rosak. Sadis betul bila takde laptop rasa macam nak hantuk kepala kat dinding rumah je. Menyeksakan. Lagi-lagi bila orang ramai tanya bila nak update blog huwaaaaa hanya mampu tersenyum dan buat muka sedih.
Okay. Dah sebulan lebih tak update apa-apa. A lot of things happened semasa kehilanganku dari dunia blogging ini. Laptop rosak (berapa kali nak ulang daaaa), belajar memandu, SPM result meletop-letop keluar, travel dengan kawan-kawan, pening kepala isi borang universiti, school holis dengan sisters, masuk wad, barbecue again with ex-schoolmates and finally dapat laptop baru Alhamdulillah. Cecece siaplah lepas ni tiap-tiap hari I update blog.
Sebenarnya I always wanted to do some drafts upon this bloggy thing. Tapi biasalah selalu kemalasan menguasai diri, so draft yang dibuat hanyalah contengan pensel bermata karbon yang entah hape-hape. I guess kurang adventurous sikit kalau menulis di kertas despite of menulis di Word untuk drafting bhahaha. Banyak benda in my head, to be told here, tapi entah bila ada masa dan kesempatan baru terluah disini. Sorry you guys have to wait bcos I am so a lazy lazy pretty young lady. Miahahaha
And also, Alhamdulillah for my SPM result, which ramai yang dah tahu I got a so-so result and the rest takboleh cakap dapat berapa. Haha. Finally. Since I pun rasa memang I dapat result taraf-taraf camtu je, so happily I cried dua tiga titik when I first got a message from KPM (excited punya pasal nak tahu result awal so I texted 15888) Ahahah sungguh takde perasaan time tu. Kaku semacam je. Praises for Allah, I got some As, walaupun tak straight As tapi at least I have As better than those people yang takde rezeki dapat even a single A. Alhamdulillah :)
muka cuak sebelum result |
muka hentah hape-hape lepas dapat result |
So sekarang ni masih in mode struggling to apply for universities, and scholars. And seriously I selalu rasa macam nak cekik leher sendiri je bila orang tanya I nak apply apa. Hahahahah. Sorry for feeling so. I really really really really wanna further my study in English. Fullstop. Not in medic, not in engineering, no no no. Offer medic pun hanya dipandang sepi, nampak sangat aku ni seriyessss nak buat English study. Of course I choose TESL, and in shaa Allah I'll be doing TESL one fine day.
Hal result antara event terbesar lah dalam hidupku. Penting weh. Masa depan. And apart of that, kisah kena admit ward itu hari pun is one of the important events. I WAS BEING HOSPITALIZED YA KNOWWWW. Why? Bcos of my SLE of course. But somehow will be telling you guys this story of masuk wad in other future post in shaa Allah.
Till meet you guys later. I rasa macam malas kemain nak menaip keyboard. Sumpah gua tak tipu gua dah jadi sangat malas sekarang. Mungkin sebab dah lama tak sentuh laptop and tiba-tiba je laptop burukku dah bertukar rupa menjadi sebuah laptop yang sangat AWHHHHSOMEEEE.
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nampak muka alien kan kan mwahahaha |
Thank you for reading my entry.
hehehe , saje nak komen . wuwuwuwuw . ni cikken .