Saturday, 26 January 2013

semangat baruuuuuu

Evening people :D

Went for a walk this evening. Bila dah balik dari Shah Alam ni, everyday selalu terfikir nak teruskan aktiviti berjalan. Sebab masa kat Shah Alam, selalu hantar and amek anak-anak saudara dengan hanya berjalan kaki sebab sekolah kebangsaan dan sekolah agama dorang dekat je dengan rumah my sista. So bila dah berjalan, of course lah will lose some wight kan. It happened to me seriously! And I was like terkejut gila bapak bila balik je dari Shah Alam haritu, my mak and my ciksu said I seemed kurus sedikit berbanding sebelum ni. Yipeee!

I pun macam wonder jugak, is this for real kan. Sebab before this, I tak pernah lose weight walaupun 0.5 kilo even kalau joging. I hardly could lose my weight! I only could lose my weight if I stresssssssss sesangat. Or tidur lewat-lewat, for example, tidur pukul 4 pagi and wake up by 6 (yang ni diamalkan sebelum PMR dulu and I lost about 8kg in just TWO MONTHS!)

So now here I am. Bertekad untuk memulakan a new lifestyle! Nak meneruskan aktiviti berjalan every single day, of course for my health di samping dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan hikhik. I takboleh berlari, or joging apa kebenda. Kaki sangat sakit kalau buat something yang macam rushing, so I tak berani nak berlari or joging. At least cukuplah I tend to berjalan kaki slow-slow dan menghirup oxygen segar yang dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT J

My mak is being very supportive when I first told her. She said I memang patot pun pergi jalan-jalan. Kalu tak, my limbs will be stiffer, taknak lah macamtu kan. I pun takut, dahla duduk rumah takde buat apa. Kalau duduk kat Shah Alam sana, I boleh pergi hantar and amek my nieces. Bergerak lah sedikit daripada tak buat pape langsung. So now, I choose to walk, inshaAllah by early in the morning and in the evening. It’s just okay if it only takes 15mins. And 30mins per day is just good enough for a person like me.

Eh before this, I always refused to go for any walk or jog. I really hate it sebab I sangat kuat berpeluh. Imagine if you are in the living room, watching telly and you wanna go to your bedroom which is situated only in front of the livng room, because you wanna get your phone, and when you walk into your room, you already notice yourself sweating, tak ke you rasa macam nak mengamuk huargh! I always experience benda macamtu. Sentiasa berpeluh. So malas lah nak keluar pergi joging ke hape. Nak tukar baju pun dah berpeluh, lagi lah kalau keluar dari rumah and pergi joging. Oh my sangat malaaaaaaas kot!

Tapi mulai sekarang, I am promising myself, and my mak too, I wanna go out for a walk EVERYDAY! Seriously I am not kidding. Know what I’m sayinnnnnnn? I hope so, really do.

Ya Allah permudahkanlah urusanku. Istiqamahkanlah hatiku. Amin!

Thank you for reading this entry!
Goodnight all beautiful people.

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